更新日期: 2024-04-19 最新编辑:玩家U_138389291
Patch notes
Balance Changes:
- Badges now have a 10% chance to appear in the first 3 rounds (previously 25%/3%/3%)
- Wolf Badge: Trigger speed bonus 20% -> 15%
- Rainbow Badge: Activation delay 5s -> 6s
- Stone Badge: 5 -> 4
- Steel Goobert: 14 -> 13
- Fancy Fencing Rapier: Cooldown 1.4s -> 1.3s
- Hero Longsword: Damage +2
- Falcon Blade: Cooldown 2s -> 1.9s
- Crossblades: Cooldown 1.5s -> 1.4s
- Strong Health Potion: 2 -> 3
- Vampiric Potion: Lifesteal 12 -> 14
- Pandamonium: Damage +1
- Impractically Large Greatsword: Buffed stamina cost 2.5 -> 2.2, cooldown 2.5s -> 2.2s
- Protective Purse: 8 -> 10
- Dragon Nest: 5 -> 3, Heal 5 -> 4
- Burning Sword: chance 50% -> 40%
- Burning Blade: Damage -1
- Phoenix: Health loss 10 -> 12
- Molten Spear: Damage 6 - 10 -> 4 - 9
- Sun Armor: Heal 15 -> 12
- Staff of Fire: Damage +2
- Flame Whip: Cooldown 2s -> 1.7s
- Brass Knuckles: Cooldown 2.1s -> 2.3s
- Anvil: Damage bonus 2 -> 1
- Chain Whip: Cooldown 2.1s -> 2.2s
- Busted Blade: Battle Rage stamina cost 3 -> 2.8, cooldown 3s -> 2.8s
- Yggdrasil Leaf: 1 -> 2, Heal 10 -> 5
- Piercing Arrow: Bonus crit damage 30% -> 35%, removal 8 -> 10
- Belladonna's Shade: Chance 60% -> 70%
- Critwood Staff: Duration 1s -> 1.2s
- Staff of Unhealing: Heal +1
- Nocturnal Lock Lifter: Lifesteal per Vampiric item 5% -> 7%
- Cauldron: Heal 12 -> 15, 3 -> 4
- The Fool: Speed boost 40% -> 50%
- Holo Fire Lizard: 3 -> 4
- Darkest Lotus: Cost 8g -> 7g
- Strong Divine Potion: Random buffs 7 -> 8
- Strong Vampiric Potion: 2 -> 3
- Fixed Stone Badge preventing class items from showing up in the shop after selling it
- Fixed an issue causing items to be non-interactable
- Fixed wardrobe button still saying “Close Wardrobe” after closing the wardrobe
- Blue crafting lines now also show for recipes from a different class
- Reworded Badges to make clear only the shop is affected
External links
[Official page]