
更新日期: 2024-04-16  最新编辑:玩家U_138389291

Cooldown (or CD) is a game mechanic used in this game for all items that activate regularly.

In combat, items gradually fill up with a highlight at the rate of their cooldowns. Once the highlight is completely filled, the item is activated and the cooldown resets.

Things that affect cooldown


<math>\text{Cooldown} = \frac{\text{Base Cooldown}}{100\% + \text{Faster} - \text{Slower}}</math>

Cooldown = Base Cooldown / (100% + Faster - Slower)


<math>\frac{4s}{100\%+(40\% + 30\% + 20\% + 10\%) - (20\%)} = \frac{4s}{180\%} = \frac{4s}{1.8} = 2.22s</math>

4s / 100% + (40% + 30% + 20% + 10%) - (20%) = 4s / 180% = 4s / 1.8 = 2.22s

Cooldown Table

Example numbers for an item with a base cooldown of 4s.

Speed Cooldown
300% 1.33s
200% 2s
150% 2.67s
120% 3.33s
110% 3.64s
100% 4s
90% 4.44s
80% 5s
50% 8s