

  1. 角色名称 - String
  2. 技能名称 - String
  3. 技能类型 - String
  4. 冷却 - String
  5. 范围 - String
  6. 初始能量 - String
  7. 技能简介 - Wikitext
  8. 升级说明1 - String
  9. 升级说明2 - String
  10. 升级说明3 - String
  11. 升级说明4 - String
  12. 升级说明5 - String
  13. 增强技能 - String
  14. 技能排序 - Integer



页面 角色名称 技能名称 技能类型 冷却 范围 初始能量 技能简介 升级说明1 升级说明2 升级说明3 升级说明4 升级说明5 增强技能 技能排序
伊戈尔/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊戈尔 Funeral Ring ultimate 0 10 tiles 0

Igor summons a tombstone where he stands when a battle starts. Every time an enemy hero loses 40% of their HP, Igor summons another tombstone on an empty tile closest to this enemy which will disappear after taking 3 normal attacks. Igor will always stand on the tombstone and remain steadfast. Igor deals 150% damage to all enemies when casting his Ultimate.

Increases damage to 180%. Increases damage to 210%. Increases damage to 240%. Increases damage to 270%. Igor summons an extra tomb at adjacent positions with the most enemies when the battle begins. 1
伊戈尔/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊戈尔 Ghastly Explosion skill1 1 10 tiles

All tombstones are activated every 8s or when Igor cast Ultimate. Igor jumps onto an activated tombstone, dealing 140% damage to enemies within 1 tile and deactivating the tombstone. He gains Damage Immunity and can't be targeted during using the skill. When the tombstone Igor jumps onto is activated by his Ultimate, this attack deals 50% additional damage.

Increases damage to 150%. Increases damage to 160%. Increases damage to 170%. 2
伊戈尔/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊戈尔 Hero Focus focusSkill

Igor increases his Life Drain by 7 during battle. His Life Drain is increased by an extra 6 until Soul Siphon is triggered for the first time.

Igor increases his Life Drain by 10 during battle. His Life Drain is increased by an extra 8 until Soul Siphon is triggered for the first time. Igor increases his Life Drain by 12 during battle. His Life Drain is increased by an extra 10 until Soul Siphon is triggered for the first time. 4
伊戈尔/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊戈尔 Horror Strike ex 10 tiles

Igor extends the range of Ghastly Explosion by 1 tile and reduces the target's' healing received by 50% for 4s when his HP ratio is above 70%.

Reduces the targets' healing received for 5s. Gains one use of the enhanced Ghastly Explosion regardless of Igor's HP for each Soul Siphon casting. Reduces the targets' healing received for 6s. 5
伊戈尔/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊戈尔 Soul Siphon skill2 2 tiles

Igor uses the tombstone he's on to block the fatal blow damage and jumps onto another tombstone when existing multiple tombstones. He gains Damage Immunity during the skill. And Igor heals for 3% of his max HP when using Ghastly Explosion or Soul Siphon. Each time you cast Soul Siphon after casting it 6 times, the HP loss ratio required to summon a tombstone with Funeral Ring increases by 12%.

Heals for 3.5% of Igor's max HP. Heals for 4% of Igor's max HP. Heals for 4.5% of Igor's max HP. 3
伊温/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊温 Hero Focus focusSkill

Hewynn increases her ATK by 9% during battle. She gains an extra 6% ATK after casting her Ultimate for the first time.

Hewynn increases her ATK by 12% during battle. She gains an extra 8% ATK after casting her Ultimate for the first time. Hewynn increases her ATK by 14% during battle. She gains an extra 10% ATK after casting her Ultimate for the first time. 4
伊温/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊温 Rain Prayer ultimate 0 Global 200

Hewynn heals all allies for 95% of her ATK as HP. Effect lasts for 9s.

Healing amount per second is increased to 100% HP. Healing amount per second is increased to 105% HP. Healing amount per second is increased to 110% HP. Healing amount per second is increased to 115% HP. 1
伊温/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊温 Revitalize skill2 Global

When the current HP ratio of an ally is below 50%, Hewynn grants them a healing bonus of 120% of her ATK. This effect applies to each ally once every 8s.

Hewynn heals an ally and removes all their dispellable debuffs. The effect can be triggered once for each ally every 6s. The extra healing takes effect to each ally once every 6s, and the dispelling effect to each ally once every 4s. The extra healing amount is increased to 130%. Hewynn also grants the healed ally 30 Haste for 6s when Revitalize is in effect. 3
伊温/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊温 Tranquility ex Global

Hewynn is unaffected for 6s. While casting Rain Prayer, all allies take 30% less damage.

Hewynn has 300 initial energy. All her allies' damage taken is decreased by 32% when the Rain Prayer takes effect. When Rain Prayer takes effect, Hewynn's healing grants a buff from Revitalize, and all her allies' damage taken is reduced by 34%. The allies' damage taken is decreased by 36% when the Rain Prayer takes effect. 5
伊温/设定角色技能 (编辑) 伊温 Wound Healing skill1 5 4 tiles

Restores 280% of her ATK as HP for 1 weakest ally.

Healing Amount is increased to 290% HP. Healing Amount is increased to 300% HP. Hewynn's skill grants this effect once every 3s to 1 weakest ally while casting her Ultimate. 2
克鲁格/设定角色技能 (编辑) 克鲁格 Devastating Axe ultimate 0 1 tile 400

Kruger launches a mighty slash to knock down an enemy for 1.5s, dealing 450% damage and inflicting them with 3 stacks of Shatter Armor. Each stack reduces the target's Phys DEF by 10%, up to 4 stacks on a target

If Kruger is present, the ally inflicts enemies with an extra stack of Shatter Armor when reducing their Phys DEF. Increases damage to 465%. Increases damage to 480%. Increases damage to 500%. 1
克鲁格/设定角色技能 (编辑) 克鲁格 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increases Ranged DEF by 16 during battle.

Increases Ranged DEF by 21 during battle. Increases Ranged DEF by 26 during battle. 4
克鲁格/设定角色技能 (编辑) 克鲁格 Lone Warrior ex Global

When a battle starts, Kruger gains a shield that blocks damage equal to 40% of his HP for 15s if no allies are present within the surrounding 1 tile. The shield also grants him control immunity. Additionally, Kruger gains 30 Life Drain when no allies are detected within the surrounding tile.

Increases the shield value to 44%. Removes the distance limit for the Vital Strike (the other restrictions remain). Kruger can rush to Vulnerable enemies and cast Vital Strike to deal damage. Increases the shield value to 48%. 5
克鲁格/设定角色技能 (编辑) 克鲁格 Smashing Assault skill1 5 1 tile

Kruger slashes an enemy, dealing 240% damage and inflicting them with a stack of Shatter Armor.

Increases damage to 260%. Increases damage to 280%. Increases damage to 300%. 2
克鲁格/设定角色技能 (编辑) 克鲁格 Vital Strike skill2 2 1 tile

Kruger launches a powerful attack to the adjacent enemies who are not Vulnerable with Shatter Armor lower than 4 stacks, dealing 400% damage and inflicting Vulnerable. For Vulnerable enemies, their physical damage taken is increased by 40%, and 40% of their damage taken is transformed to Kruger's HP.

Increases damage to 440%. Increases damage to 480%. Increases damage to 520%. Kruger's ATK is increased by 40% until the battle ends when the Vulnerable enemy is defeated by Vital Strike, up to 2 stacks. 3
卡列琳娜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡列琳娜 Freezing Nova skill1 10 4 tiles

Carolina deals 155% damage to a target and adjacent enemies and inflicts a Frostbite stack.

Increases damage to 165%. Increases damage to 175%. Increases damage to 185%. 2
卡列琳娜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡列琳娜 Frost Protection ex Global

When casting Snowball Witchery, Carolina permanently increases the damage of the snowballs by 10%, up to 7 times. From the third cast of Snowball Witchery, Carolina deals area damage to adjacent tiles with newly produced snowballs and reduces enemies' Magic DEF by 15% for 6s.

Uses a snowball to attack the same controlled enemy hit by Carolina's normal attacks. Increases the Magic DEF reduction to 25%. Increases the Magic DEF reduction to 30%. 5
卡列琳娜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡列琳娜 Frozen Grave ultimate 0 Global 0

After charging up briefly, Carolina selects an enemy target, dealing 240% damage to the target and freezing them for 6s. Then, she creates an arctic field that inflicts Frostbite on the target and surrounding enemies within 2 tiles every 2s. Carolina prioritizes selecting the target with the most enemies in their surrounding 2 tiles, and each stack of Frostbite reduces the target's Haste by 15 for 6s, up to 3 stacks.

Increases damage to 260%. The Frozen duration is increased to 8s. Increases damage to 270%. Increases damage to 280%. 1
卡列琳娜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡列琳娜 Hero Focus focusSkill

Carolina increases her Crit by 14 during battle. She gains an extra 18 Crit after casting Snowball Witchery 5 times.

Carolina increases her Crit by 19 during battle. She gains an extra 24 Crit after casting Snowball Witchery 5 times. Carolina increases her Crit by 24 during battle. She gains an extra 30 Crit after casting Snowball Witchery 5 times. 4
卡列琳娜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡列琳娜 Snowball Witchery skill2 0 Global

Carolina surrounds herself with 4 snowballs and automatically shoots a snowball to attack enemies every 3s, dealing 130% damage to the targets under control effects. Each enemy can be attacked by a snowball every 2.5s. Carolina creates more snowballs when they are all used up.

Increases damage to 140%. Increases damage to 150%. Each enemy can be attacked by a snowball every 1.5s. Carolina inflicts Frostbite when dealing damage with Snowball Witchery 3
卡卡/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡卡 Fluffy Shield ex Global

After the damage recorded in Full Energy has been settled, all allies gain a shield for 7s that can absorb damage equal to 15% of the total damage dealt by allies affected by Full Energy when it's active.

Increases the shield value to 20%. Removes all allied heroes' control effects when casting Full Energy, gaining 20 Resilience when the skill takes effect. Gains 30 Resilience when the skill takes effect. 5
卡卡/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡卡 Fulfilling Feast skill1 10 Global

Koko feeds the weakest ally, healing them by 230% of her ATK as HP and granting them 10% ATK for 5s. Koko also feeds Patto to recover 350% of her ATK as HP every 15s, increasing 20 Composure for 7s.

Recovers 240% HP for allies. Recovers 250% HP for allies. Recovers 260% HP for allies. Increases the ally's or Patto Vitality by 25 for 6s after Koko feeds them using Fulfilling Feast. 2
卡卡/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡卡 Full Energy ultimate 0 Global 0

Koko inspires herself and all allies and grants them a 45% DMG Reduction for 12s. The reduced damage will be recorded and settled once as true damage when the skill duration ends. When the skill takes effect, allies gain 30 Life Drain and 10% ATK. While active, the effect cannot be dispelled and prevents Koko from recasting the skill.

Increases the DMG Reduction effect to 50%. Increases the DMG Reduction effect to 55%. Increases gained Life Drain to 35. Increases gained Life Drain to 40. 1
卡卡/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡卡 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increases Haste by 12 during battle.

Increases Haste by 16 during battle. Increases Haste by 20 during battle. 4
卡卡/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡卡 Patto Smash skill2 15 4 Tiles

Koko throws a mighty spear at the target, dealing 210% damage and increasing their damage taken by 10% in the next 5s. If there's an enemy within her adjacent tiles, Patto will smash the ground, dealing 210% damage to adjacent enemies and stunning them for 3s. This effect can only be triggered once every 8s.

Increases damage to 220%. Increases damage to 230%. Increases damage to 240%. 3
卡夫拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡夫拉 Exiling Strike ex 3 Global

When a marked enemy receives healing from other enemies, Kafra jumps to the healer and attacks them, dealing 250% damage and reducing their Haste by 40 for 5s. Kafra is unaffected during the period.

Kafra gains a shield that can block 350% damage (of Caster's ATK for 5s while casting this skill. Increases damage to 260%. Increases damage to 270%. 5
卡夫拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡夫拉 Gale Thrust ultimate 3 1 tile 0

Passive. Kafra prioritizes attacking the enemy who carries Forest Mark. Kafra inflicts a Forest Mark on an enemy when casting Ultimate and launches a mighty strike, dealing 500% damage and knocking them back for 2-tile. Only 1 Forest Mark exists per attack.

Increases damage to 510%. Increases damage to 520%. Increases damage to 530%. Increases damage to 550%. 1
卡夫拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡夫拉 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increases ATK by 12% during battle.

Increases ATK by 16% during battle. Increases ATK by 20% during battle. 4
卡夫拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡夫拉 Relentless Sword skill1 2.5 Global

When a marked enemy is out of Kafra's attack range, Kafra charges towards the enemy, dealing 280% damage and stunning them for 1.5s. If there's no marked enemy, Kafra marks the nearest enemy and casts the skill.

Increases damage to 290%. Increases damage to 300%. Increases damage to 320%. The damage of Relentless Sword's first casting in battle is increased to 520% 2
卡夫拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卡夫拉 Wind Mark skill2 1 tile

The Forest Mark reduces the enemy's Phys DEF by 6%. When a marked enemy is defeated, Kafra and allies within 2 tiles of this enemy recover 100% of his ATK as HP every 0.375s for 1.125s.

Reduces Phys DEF by 9%. Reduces Phys DEF by 12%. Reduces Phys DEF by 15%. 3
卢修斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卢修斯 Divine Bash skill1 8 1 tile

Lucius deals 70% damage to an enemy, knocks them back 1 tiles, and gains a shield that blocks 300% damage (based on Caster's Attack) for 8s.

Stuns the enemy for 1s. Increases shield value to 310%. Increases shield value to 320%. 2
卢修斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卢修斯 Divine Light Aegis ultimate 0 Global 0

Lucius selects a tile and grants allies on it and adjacent tiles a shield that blocks 470% damage (based on Caster's Attack) for 10s.

Increases shield value to 490%. Increases shield value to 500%. Increases shield value to 510%. Increases shield value to 520%. 1
卢修斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卢修斯 Divine Light Blessing skill2 Global

When gaining a shield, Lucius uses Healing Power to restore HP that equals 80% Attack + 20% of shield value for the weakest 1 allies.

Increases Lucius' shield by 8%. Increases Lucius' shield by 14%. Increases Lucius' shield by 20%. The number of allies healed by Divine Light Blessing is increased to 1. 3
卢修斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卢修斯 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increasing Healing by 11 during battle.

Increasing Healing by 15 during battle. Increasing Healing by 19 during battle. 4
卢修斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 卢修斯 Righteous Fury ex 13 1 tile

Shoots Divine Light to a 3-tile wide and 4-tile length frontal area, dealing 90% damage to all enemies within, reducing 8% ATK for 4s.

Each enemy hit grants a 3% (based on Caster's HP) shield for 4s. Reduces the target's ATK by 10%. Reduces the target's ATK by 12%. 5
噜噜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 噜噜 Hero Focus focusSkill

Lumont increases his Haste by 9 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 6 when there are at least 2 enemies nearby.

Lumont increases his Haste by 12 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 8 when there are at least 2 enemies nearby. Lumont increases his Haste by 15 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 10 when there are at least 2 enemies nearby. 4
噜噜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 噜噜 Lumont's Charge ultimate 0 8 tiles 0

Lumont selects a tile in range and charges at it, knocking enemies in his path toward the selected tile. When he reaches the selected tile, Lumont deals 240% damage to all surrounding enemies and taunts them for 3s. Lamont is unaffected while casting the skill.

Increases damage to 260%. Increases the duration of taunt to 4s. Increases damage to 280%. Increases damage to 300%. 1
噜噜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 噜噜 Rage ex 0 1 tile

Lumont smashes the ground with totem 3 times after receiving damage equal to 40% of his max HP, dealing 150% damage to enemies within 1, 2, and 3 tiles in order and reducing their ATK by 25% for 6s. Lamont is unaffected while casting the skill.

An extra skill attempt is granted when a battle starts or an ally is defeated for the first time. Increases damage to 180%. Increases damage to 210%. 5
噜噜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 噜噜 Totem Power skill1 15s Global

Lumont harnesses the Totem Power, gaining a shield that can block 450% damage for 12s. For every adjacent enemy, the shield value is increased by 30%. He also increases Phys DEF of 2 closest allies by 30% for 7s.

Increases the shield value by 35% for every adjacent enemy. Increases the shield value by 40% for every adjacent enemy. Increases the shield value by 45% for every adjacent enemy. Lumont recovers 7% of his max HP per second while shielded by Totem Power. 2
噜噜/设定角色技能 (编辑) 噜噜 War Stomp skill2 6 1 tile

Lumont stomps the ground, dealing 240% damage to adjacent enemies and stunning them for 1s.

Increases damage to 260%. Reduces this skill's cooldown by 1s for every enemy hit. Increases damage to 280%. 3
埃隆/设定角色技能 (编辑) 埃隆 Elemental Barrier skill2 10 1 tile

Eironn gains a shield that blocks 280% damage for 10s, Additionaly, Eironn gains 50% Dodge Rate while the shield is active.

Increases shield value to 300%. Increases shield value to 320%. The Dodge Rate bonus is increased to 80%. 3
埃隆/设定角色技能 (编辑) 埃隆 Elemental Realm ultimate 2 Global 200

Eironn combines the power of two swords and selects a tile, pulling in enemies within 2 tiles to the center. Then causes an explosion after a short delay, dealing 250% damage to enemies within 2 tiles and immobilizing them for 3s. Eironn prioritize choosing a tile with the mostsurroundine enemies.

Increases damage to 270%. Increases damage to 290%. Increases damage to 310%. Increases damage to 330%. Eironn reduces an extra 15% Magic DEF on an immobilized target if they are immobilized by Elemental Realm. 1
埃隆/设定角色技能 (编辑) 埃隆 Hero Focus focusSkill

Eironn increases his Ranged DEF by 15 during battle. He gains an extra 50% Ranged DEF when his HP drops below 7.

Eironn increases his Ranged DEF by 19 during battle. He gains an extra 50% Ranged DEF when his HP drops below 9. Eironn increases his Ranged DEF by 23 during battle. He gains an extra 50% Ranged DEF when his HP drops below 12. 4
埃隆/设定角色技能 (编辑) 埃隆 Howling Hurricane ex Global

Eironn's first casting of Ultimate in battles does not consume Energy, but the damage is reduced to 50% of the original damage.

The damage is reduced to 70% of the original. Increases immobilize duration to 6s. The damage is reduced to 80% of the original. 5
埃隆/设定角色技能 (编辑) 埃隆 Ice Spike skill1 7 1 tile

Eironn slashes to deal 110% damage to enemies within a 3-tile arc and reduces their Haste by 50 for 5s. Later, Eironn stabs the target, deals 220% damage to the target and enemies standing in a line within 2 tiles, and decreases their Magic DEF by 40% for 5s.

Increases the damage of slash to 115% and the damage of stab to 230%. Increases the damage of slash to 120% and the damage of stab to 240%. Increases the damage of slash to 125% and the damage of stab to 250%. 2
塔琳/设定角色技能 (编辑) 塔琳 Blazing Ascension skill2 3 Tiles

Talene transforms into a ball of flame whenever she is defeated. During this state, she cannot be attacked as she is not considered alive, and she can restore 8% of her max HP per second as well as benefit from allies' skills. When her HP reaches above 65%, she will resurrect and bring about an explosion, dealing 150% + 10% damage to enemies within 2 tiles and knocking them 1 tile back. After each resurrection, her Vitality during the flame state will be reduced permanently by 33.

After each resurrection, Talene's Vitality will be reduced by 32. After each resurrection, Talene's Vitality will be reduced by 31. After each resurrection, Talene's Vitality will be reduced by 30. Talene increases her HP recovered per second to 15% while in the flame state when defeated for the first time in a battle. 3
塔琳/设定角色技能 (编辑) 塔琳 Divine Conflagration ultimate 0 Global 0

Talene flies to a designated tile in the center of the battlefield, consumes 12.5% of her max HP and 250 Energy per second to shoot a 5-tile flame, dealing 150% + 20% damage and extra damage equal to 170% + 1% of her lost HP to enemies within range. The extra damage is shared among all hit enemies.

Increases damage dealt per second to 160% + 20% and extra damage to 190% + 1% of her lost HP. Increases damage dealt per second to 170% + 20% and extra damage to 210% + 1% of her lost HP. Increases damage dealt per second to 180% + 20% and extra damage to 230% + 1% of her lost HP. Increases damage dealt per second to 190% + 20% and extra damage to 250% + 1% of her lost HP. 1
塔琳/设定角色技能 (编辑) 塔琳 Hero Focus focusSkill

Talent increases her ATK by 8% for up to 32% whenever she has consumed 50% of her max HP.

Talent increases her ATK by 9% for up to 36% whenever she has consumed 50% of her max HP. Talent increases her ATK by 10% for up to 40% whenever she has consumed 50% of her max HP. 4
塔琳/设定角色技能 (编辑) 塔琳 Pyre of Renewal ex Global

Talene grants Pyre of Renewal to the frontmost allied hero other than herself from the beginning of the battle until the end. Pyre of Renewal carrier will deal damage equal to 50% of their ATK per second to adjacent enemies and restore HP equal to 25% of their damage dealt. Every time the carrier is healed by an amount equal to 500% of their ATK, a kindling will be generated next to them to permanently enhance Talene's Pyre of Renewal, increasing its damage dealt by 50% for up to 3 stacks.

Increases Pyre of Renewal carrier's damage dealt to adjacent enemies to 55% of their ATK, and HP recovery to 30% of their damage dealt. Increases Pyre of Renewal carrier's damage dealt to adjacent enemies to 60% of their ATK, and HP recovery to 35% of their damage dealt. When Pyre of Renewal reaches the maximum number of stacks and its carrier is defeated, all stacks will be consumed to transform the carrier into a ball of flame. The carrier will then resurrect in 3s with 50% of their max HP. This effect can only be triggered once in each battle. 5
塔琳/设定角色技能 (编辑) 塔琳 Radiant Resurgence skill1 12 Global

Passive. Whenever Talene loses 10% of her max HP, she will release a warm current that restores : 40% HP for the weakest allied hero. Whenever she restores 10% of her max HP, she will unleash a torrent that deals 50% damage to the healthiest enemy.

Increases damage dealt to 215% + 10% Increases damage dealt to 230% + 10% Increases damage dealt to 240% + 10% 2
奥曼斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 奥曼斯 Ancient Tenacity ultimate 0 1 Tile 0

Passive. When Ulmus' HP ratio drops below 30% for the first time, he retreats to the backline and takes root to recover 30% + 2% HP. While rooted, Ulmus is Unaffected and unable to move. His normal attacks become ranged and deal an additional 50% damage to enemies surrounding the primary target.

Increases the damage dealt to 210% + 20%. Increases the damage dealt to 220% + 20%. Increases the damage dealt to 230% + 20%. Increases the damage dealt to 240% + 20%. 1
奥曼斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 奥曼斯 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increases max HP by 17% during the battle.

Increases max HP by 23% during the battle. Increases max HP by 29% during the battle. 4
奥曼斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 奥曼斯 Prowling Roots ex Global

Ulmus extends his roots to trap vulnerable enemies on the battlefield. Whenever an enemy target is knocked down, knocked into the air or affected by other displacement effects, Ulmus binds the target to the ground, increasing the knockdown duration by 2s and dealing 80% damage. This effect can only affect the same enemy once every 10s.

Increases the damage dealt to 100%. Gains 60 Life Drain when dealing damage with this skill. Increases the damage dealt to 120%. 5
奥曼斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 奥曼斯 Verdant Barrier skill1 14 Global

Ulmus gains a 25% + 3% shield that lasts 10s. When the shield breaks, it deals : 160% + 15% damage to surrounding enemies. If Ulmus is rooted, he will grant the shield to the frontmost ally instead.

Increases the shield value to 28% + 23%. Increases the shield value to 32% + 23%. Increases the shield value to 35% + 23%. Ulmus knocks back adjacent enemies by 1 tile when the shield granted by Verdant Barrier breaks or vanishes. 2
奥曼斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 奥曼斯 Way of the Forest skill2 Global

Passive. Ulmus recovers 3.5% + 20.5% of his lost HP per second. When rooted, he will instead recover 30 + 4 Energy per second.

Increases the HP recovered per second to 4% + 20.5%, or the Energy recovered to 32 + 4. Increases the HP recovered per second to 4.5% + 20.5%, or the Energy recovered to 34 + 4. Increases the HP recovered per second to 5% + 20.5%, or the Energy recovered to 36 + 4. 3
安丹德拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 安丹德拉 Gale Barrier ex Global

Antandra rushes next to the guarded ally when their HP ratio drops below 50% for the first time, reducing their damage taken by 40% for 10s. This skill can only be used once for each guarded ally per battle.

Rushes next to the guarded ally, recovering their Energy by 100 per second for 4s. Rushes next to the guarded ally, reducing their damage taken by 50%. Rushes next to the guarded ally, reducing their damage taken by 60%. 5
安丹德拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 安丹德拉 Hero Focus focusSkill

Antandra increases her Max HP by 17% during battle.

Antandra increases her Max HP by 23% during battle. Antandra increases her Max HP by 29% during battle. 4
安丹德拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 安丹德拉 Shield Assault ultimate 1.25 1 tile 300

Antandra sets her shield up and taunts enemies within 2 tiles for ls, reducing her damage taken by 60% and becoming Unaffected for 5s. Afterward, she raises the shield to stun adjacent enemies for 2s and swings the spear, dealing 400% damage to adjacent enemies and knocking them down, recovering 20% HР. Each enemy hit recovers her an extra 8% HР.

Increases damage to 420%. Increases damage to 440%. Increases damage to 450%. Increases damage to 460%. Each enemy hit by Shield Assault increases 10% of Antandra's Phys DEF, up to 6 stacks. 1
安丹德拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 安丹德拉 Shield Formation skill1 15 Global

Antandra selects the frontmost ally (except herself) as the guarded ally when a battle starts. Antandra grants herself and the guarded ally shields that block damage equal to 15% of the ally's max HP for 5s, and the shield value is up to 500% of her ATK. Antandra reselects another front-most all (except herself) as the guarded ally if the previous one is defeated.

Reduces the skill cooldown by 3s whenever the guarded ally loses 10% max HP. Increases the shield value to 20% of the guarded ally's max HP. Increases the shield value to 25% of the guarded ally's max HP. 2
安丹德拉/设定角色技能 (编辑) 安丹德拉 Spear Barrage skill2 10 1 tile

Antandra attacks the frontal area within 1-tile arc 3 times and reduces the target's' ATK by 20% for 6s, with the first 2 hits dealing 100% damage and the third hit dealing 120% damage.

Increases the damage of 3rd attack to 140%. Increases the damage of 3rd attack to 160%. Increases the damage of 3rd attack to 180%. 3
尼汝/设定角色技能 (编辑) 尼汝 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increases HP by 17% during battle.

Increases HP by 23% during battle. Increases HP by 29% during battle. 4
尼汝/设定角色技能 (编辑) 尼汝 Soul Drain skill2 8 Global

Niru drains the life force of all enemies, dealing 150% damage to each enemy, plus 3% of the target's max HP, up to 70% of his ATK. He then restores an equal amount of HP to the weakest ally.

The damage dealt to each enemy is increased to 160%, plus 3.5% of the target's max HP, up to 80%. The damage dealt to each enemy is increased to 170%, plus 4% of the target's max HP, up to 90%. The damage dealt to each enemy is increased to 180%, plus 5% of the target's max HP, up to 100%. 3
尼汝/设定角色技能 (编辑) 尼汝 Soul Reaping skill1 12 Global

Niru attacks the weakest enemy, dealing 120% damage plus damage equal to 0.3 times the target's lost HP. The additional damage cannot exceed 450%.

Increases additional damage to 0.35 times of the target's lost HP, up to 525%. Increases additional damage to 0.4 times of the target's lost HP, up to 600%. Increases additional damage to 0.45 times of the target's lost HP, up to 600%. Soul Reading prevents the enemy's HP recovery in 8s. 2
尼汝/设定角色技能 (编辑) 尼汝 Soul Sponge ex 3 tiles

Niru casts Ultimate on the nearest ally without consuming Energy when a battle starts, prioritizing the ally behind himself.

The Spirits will not lose HP over time until all allies enter Spirit form for 8s. Until all allies enter Spirit form for 10s. Until all allies enter Spirit form for 12s. 5
尼汝/设定角色技能 (编辑) 尼汝 Spirit Salvation ultimate 1 Global 0

Niru casts the spell to protect an ally from a fatal blow, turning them into a Spirit and restoring their HP to 45% of max HP. The Spirit cannot be attacked and will be defeated when its HP runs out. The Spirit can only deal 45% of its original damage while losing an increasing amount of HP every second. This skill prioritizes the weakest ally.

For every (up to 5) non-summoned enemy defeated, the blessed ally restores an extra 10% of max HP when entering the Spirit form. For every non-summoned enemy defeated, the ally in Spirit form restores 10% of max HP (up to 5 times for each character). Ally in Spirit form deals 55% of the original damage. Ally in Spirit form deals 65% of the original damage. 1
布莱恩/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布莱恩 Falcon Raid ultimate 0 Global 1000

Passive. When a battle starts, Bryon gains 1000 Energy and summons his falcon Elona.

Elona gains enhanced effects after 8s into a battle. Normal attack damage is increased by 20%, and Haste is increased by 40. The enhancements are reset when Elona leaves the battlefield. Elona gains enhanced thunderbolt effects after 18s into a battle, reducing Haste of adjacent enemies by 30 and dealing 40% damage per second. The enhancements are reset when Elona leaves the battlefield. Elona's normal attack damage is increased to 100%. Elona's normal attack damage is increased to 110%. 1
布莱恩/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布莱恩 Hero Focus focusSkill

Bryon increases his Haste by 10 during battle. He gains an extra 3 Haste when Elona is on the battlefield.

Bryon increases his Haste by 13 during battle. He gains an extra 4 Haste when Elona is on the battlefield. Bryon increases his Haste by 17 during battle. He gains an extra 5 Haste when Elona is on the battlefield. 4
布莱恩/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布莱恩 Shadow Flash skill2 16 5 tiles

Passive. Bryon's normal attacks and skills deal damage 2 times, absorbing targets' 50 Energy. Active. Bryon deals 190% damage 2 times.

Bryon's normal attacks and skills deal damage 2 times, granting Elona's next normal attack with thunderbolts, dealing additional damage equal to 4% of enemy's current HP, along with a skill interruption effect. The extra damage cannot exceed 240% of Bryon's ATK, up to 3 stacks. Active. Each damage dealt is increased to 195%. Active. Each damage dealt is increased to 200%. 3
布莱恩/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布莱恩 Spiritual Companion ex 3 tiles

Elona deals 350% damage to the enemy and stuns them for 3s when Bryon is being controlled or receives damage exceed 15% of his max HP from a single hit. This skill takes effect once every 20s and can only be triggered when Elona is on the field.

When Bryon takes a fatal blow, Elona consumes all the Energy to block the fatal damage for him and restores 200% of byron's ATK as HP for Bryon. For the next 5s, Bryon cannot be targeted and recovers 40% HP per second. Then Elona departs from the battlefield and cannot be summoned for 10s. This effe Elona's counterattack damage is increased to 400%. Elona's counterattack damage is increased to 450%. 5
布莱恩/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布莱恩 Tacit Strike skill1 14 5 tiles

Bryon summons 4 magic leaves to attack the target. Each leaf deals 90% damage.

The damage dealt by each leaf is increased to 93%. The damage dealt by each leaf is increased to 96%. The damage dealt by each leaf is increased to 100%. Bryon generates two leaves beside Elona if the falcon is on the battlefield when Tacit Strike is cast. 2
布鲁特斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布鲁特斯 Cleaving Strike ex 0 1 tile

Brutus cleaves with all his might to enemies within 1-tile arc in front after receiving physical damage 10 times from adjacent enemies, dealing 200% damage plus 12% of the target's max HP. The total damage cannot exceed 750% of his ATK. Brutus also gains 30% Life Drain. This skill can be triggered once every 5s.

Brutus deals 230% damage plus 12% of the target's max GP with this skill (the total damage cannot exceed 780% of his ATK). Removes the cooldown limit for this skill. Brutus can cast this skill for every 10 physical damage attacks he takes from adjacent enemies. Brutus deals 260% damage plus 12% of the target's max GP with this skill (the total damage cannot exceed 780% of his ATK). 5
布鲁特斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布鲁特斯 Ferocious Roar skill1 15 1 tiles

Brutus roars with rage, taunting surrounding enemies within 2 tiles for 1.5s and reducing their Phys DEF by 15% for 9s.

Reduces surrounding enemies' Phys DEF by 20%. Reduces surrounding enemies' Phys DEF by 25%. Reduces surrounding enemies' Phys DEF by 30%. 2
布鲁特斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布鲁特斯 Hero Focus focusSkill

Brutus increases his Life Drain by 10 during battle. He gains an extra 5 Life Drain during his Ultimate.

Brutus increases his Life Drain by 13 during battle. He gains an extra 7 Life Drain during his Ultimate. Brutus increases his Life Drain by 16 during battle. He gains an extra 8 Life Drain during his Ultimate. 4
布鲁特斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布鲁特斯 Indomitable skill2 Global

Brutus is immune to the first fatal blow he receives. He is then immune to all damage and bcomes unaffcted for 5s.

Immunity grants 25 Life Drain and 25% ATK. Immunity grants 35 Life Drain and 30% ATK. Immunity grants 35 Life Drain and 35% ATK. The duration of damage and control immunity from Indomitable is increased by 1s. 3
布鲁特斯/设定角色技能 (编辑) 布鲁特斯 Whirlwind Wrath ultimate 1.25 1 tiles 0

Brutus spins Mountain's Roar at high speed and deals 110% damage every second to adjacent enemies within 1 tile for 4s. He is unaffected while spinning.

Increases damage to 120%. Brutus is immune to control effects while spinning. This skill's duration stacks with the duration of his other damage immunities. Increases damage to 130%. Increases damage to 140%. 1
帕瑞莎/设定角色技能 (编辑) 帕瑞莎 Falling Blossom ex 10 tiles

Parisa marks the nearest enemy in a symmetrical position with a flower when a battle starts.

Normal attacks hit 1 more target after inflicting 4 marks. Normal attacks hit 1 more target after inflicting 3 marks. Normal attacks hit 1 more target after inflicting 2 marks. 5
帕瑞莎/设定角色技能 (编辑) 帕瑞莎 Floral Splendor ultimate 0 10 tiles 0

Parisa marks the nearest non-marked enemy with a flower until the battle ends, dealing 480% damage to all floral-marked targets and other enemies within 1 tiles of them. If the skill hits the targets multiple times within 2s, the subsequent damage dealt by targets is reduced by 20%.

Increases damage to 490%. Each defeated enemy who carries Floral Mark grants Parisa 60 Energy recovery in 5s. Increases damage to 510%. Increases damage to 520%. 1
帕瑞莎/设定角色技能 (编辑) 帕瑞莎 Flower Power skill2 0 5 tiles

After every 3 normal attacks, Parisa launches a bouquet of flowers that gradually expands toward her target, dealing 200% damage to all enemies along the path. Each enemy hit by flowers restores herself an extra 70 Energy. Every bouquet of flowers can recover her Energy up to 3 times.

The flowers deal 205% damage. The flowers deal 210% damage. The flowers deal 215% damage. The required normal attacks to trigger Flower Power is reducded to 1. 3
帕瑞莎/设定角色技能 (编辑) 帕瑞莎 Hero Focus focusSkill

Increases ATK by 12% during battle.

Increases ATK by 16% during battle. Increases ATK by 20% during battle. 4
帕瑞莎/设定角色技能 (编辑) 帕瑞莎 Wilder Blessing skill1 10 5 tiles

Parisa increases ATK SPD by 22 and normal attack damage by 22% for 10s for herself and 1 nearest ally.

Increases ATK SPD by 25, and the normal attack damage by 25%. Increases ATK SPD by 28, and the normal attack damage by 28%. Increases ATK SPD by 30, and the normal attack damage by 30%. 2
托安/设定角色技能 (编辑) 托安 Hero Focus focusSkill

Thorin's normal attacks and skills increase his Energy Recovery by 24%. His Energy Recovery is increased by an extra 6% when Resurrection is not triggered.

Thorin's normal attacks and skills increase his Energy Recovery by 32%. His Energy Recovery is increased by an extra 8% when Resurrection is not triggered. Thorin's normal attacks and skills increase his Energy Recovery by 40%. His Energy Recovery is increased by an extra 10% when Resurrection is not triggered. 4
托安/设定角色技能 (编辑) 托安 Resurrection skill2 2 tiles

Thoran will resurrect with 40% HP restored after a short time when defeated. The effect can be triggered once per battle.

Thoran can revive himself with 50% HP. Thoran can revive himself with 60% HP. Gains 500 Energy when the skill is triggered. 3
托安/设定角色技能 (编辑) 托安 Soul Pact ex Global

Before a battle starts, Thoran signs a pact with the ally on the tile behind him, agreeing to take 50% damage for this ally until the battle ends. When Thoran is defeated, this ally sacrifices 85% of their current HP to save and heal Thoran by 150% of this portion of HP. After that, Thoran no longer takes damage for this ally.

The 25% of damage dealt by this ally heals Thoran when the pact exists. Increases the healing amount that Thoran receives from the ally's damage dealt to 30%. Increases the healing amount that Thoran receives from the ally's damage dealt to 35% 5
托安/设定角色技能 (编辑) 托安 Soul Plunder skill1 15 Global

Thoran targets the not soul-plundered enemy with the highest HP and drains 18% of the target's current HP to increase his max HP by the same amount. He also makes this target receive 13% more damage for the rest of the battle. Drained HP limit: 600% of Thoran's ATK.

Increases drained HP to 20% of the enemy's current HP. Increases the enemy's received damage by 16% for the rest of the battle. Increases the enemy's received damage by 17% for the rest of the battle Thoran's Ultimate drains another 20% of the current HP from all enemies affected by Soul Plunder to increase his max HP by the same amount. 2
托安/设定角色技能 (编辑) 托安 Soul Retaliation ultimate 0 1 tiles 200

Thoran charges up for some time to slash at enemies in range, dealing 200% damage plus 180% of damage received during the charge. And he also gains 20% Life Drain. Thoran is unaffected while casting this skill.

Plus 200% of the damage received during the charge. Thoran's soul will complete the slash if his skill is interrupted. Plus 220% of the damage received during the charge. Plus 240% of the damage received during the charge. 1
斯克嘉莉德/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯克嘉莉德 Divine Judgement ex Global

Deals true damage if there are at least 4 surviving non-summoned allies other than herself on the battlefield.

Deals true damage if there are at least 3 surviving non-summoned allies other than herself on the battlefield. Scarlita's skills knock the non-boss enemies with HP lower than 180% ATK and HP ratio below 20% out of the battlefield. The enemy sent out of the combat this way cannot return and is considered defeated. Scarlita's skills knock the non-boss enemies with HP lower than 180% ATK and HP ratio below 25% out of the battlefield. The enemy sent out of the combat this way cannot return and is considered defeated. 5
斯克嘉莉德/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯克嘉莉德 Divine Quake ultimate 0 Global 0

Scarlita slashes the ground in the specified direction to create a 3-tile-wide Rock Wave, dealing 200% damage to all enemies in this direction and knocking them back to the edge of the battlefield. Afterward, Scarlita charges at them and strikes, dealing 200% damage to enemies within the radius of a 2-tile arc and stunning them for 1s. The skill damage is increased by 10% for each surviving ally besides Scarlita. She is Unaffected when casting this skill.

Increases the damage dealt by slash and strike to 220%. Increases the stun duration to 1.5s. Increases the damage of this skill by 12% for each surviving ally besides Scarlita. Increases the stun duration to 2s. 1
斯克嘉莉德/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯克嘉莉德 Hero Focus focusSkill

Scarlita increases Execution by 4 for each blessing she sends while in the air.

Scarlita increases Execution by 5 for each blessing she sends while in the air. Scarlita increases Execution by 6 for each blessing she sends while in the air. 4
斯克嘉莉德/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯克嘉莉德 Pure Cleanse skill1 Global

When a battle starts, Scarlita blinks to the backline, ascends to the sky, and hovers above the battlefield. While in the air, she is invincible, recovering 40 Energy per second, and increasing 2% ATK till the battle ends.

Scarlita recovers an extra 150 Energy if she descends after 15s into the battle. Scarlita gains an extra 15% ATK boost till the end of battle if she descends after 15s into the battle. Increases damage to 220%. 2
斯克嘉莉德/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯克嘉莉德 Valkyrie Spirit skill2 3 Global

Scarlita sends the weakest non-summoned ally a blessing once every time when in mid-air, granting them a shield equal to 15% of Scarlita's max HP for 3s.

Increases the shield value to 18% of Scarlita max HP. Increases the shield value to 20% of Scarlita max HP. Increases the damage of this skill by 12% for each surviving ally besides Scarlita. Scarlita increases an allied hero Phys DEF and Magic DEF when using Valkyrie Spirit to protect them, with the amount equal to 50% of Scarlita own Phys DEF and Magic DEF. 3
斯莱泽/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯莱泽 Enraptured Whip skill1 8 1 tile

Salazar whips enemies within a 2-tile arc, dealing 180% damage. When the target's HP ratio drops below 70%, Salazar launches one more attack to enemies within a 2-tile arc, dealing 230% damage.

Increases the damage to 180% and the damage of the additional whip attack to 230%. Increases the damage to 190% and the damage of the additional whip attack to 240%. Increases the damage to 200% and the damage of the additional whip attack to 250%. 2
斯莱泽/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯莱泽 Hero Focus focusSkill

Reduces damage taken by 12% during battle.

Reduces damage taken by 16% during battle. Reduces damage taken by 20% during battle. 4
斯莱泽/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯莱泽 Rain of Blades ultimate 0 Global 0

Salazar summons plenty of Flying Swords to launch 8 strikes to an enemy with the highest HP. Each strike deals 30% damage plus damage equal to 5% of the target's current HP. Additional damage cannot exceed 150% of Salazar's ATK. Salazar prioritizes the enemy with the most HP.

The damage dealt by this skill grants Salazer 50 Life Drain. The damage of each strike is increased to 32% plus damage equal to 5.5% of the target's current HP. The damage of each strike is increased to 34% plus damage equal to 6% of the target's current HP. The damage of each strike is increased to 36% plus damage equal to 6.5% of the target's current HP. 1
斯莱泽/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯莱泽 Soul Cage skill2 0 Global

Salazar imprisons an enemy whose HP ratio is less than 70%, dealing 300% damage and making them cannot move or act for 5s. The skill can only be applied to each enemy once.

Every time Salazar imprisons an enemy, he absorbs 8% of the enemy's ATK until the battle ends. This skill can absorb up to 50% of Salazar's ATK in each battle. Every time Salazar imprisons an enemy, he absorbs 10% of the enemy's ATK until the battle ends. This skill can absorb up to 50% of Salazar's ATK in each battle. Every time Salazar imprisons an enemy, he absorbs 12% of the enemy's ATK until the battle ends. This skill can absorb up to 50% of Salazar's ATK in each battle. Salazer recovers 150% of his ATK as HP for every imprisoned enemy. 3
斯莱泽/设定角色技能 (编辑) 斯莱泽 Soul Drench ex 1 tile

Salazar immerses himself in the power of the Spirits and casts Enraptured Whip 1 times without cooldown when a battle starts or an enemy is imprisoned. An extra whip strike will be attempted.

The Enraptured Whip deals additional damage equal to 5% of the enemy's current HP, granting 50 Life Drain to Salazar. The additional damage cannot exceed 150% of Salazar's ATK. Casts Enraptured Whip 2 times without cooldown. The Enraptured Whip deals additional damage equal to 5.5% of the enemy's current HP, granting 52 Life Drain to Salazar. The additional damage cannot exceed 160% of Salazar's ATK. 5
普鲁斯托/设定角色技能 (编辑) 普鲁斯托 ex 1 Tile

Phraesto taunts the enemy who dealt the most damage if his Illusion is defeated before he is, dealing 500% damage and stunning them for 4.5s.

Increases the skill damage to 600%. Increases the skill damage to 700%. Phraesto summons a new Illusion in front of himself if the previous Illusion is defeated before he is. The new Illusion inherits only 60% of Phraesto's max HP. Triggers once at most per battle. 5
普鲁斯托/设定角色技能 (编辑) 普鲁斯托 Crimson Contract skill1 14 1 Tile

Phraesto and his Illusion each sign a permanent contract with different allied heroes positioned behind them when a battle starts, reducing the recipient's HP by 6%. Phraesto increases the recipient's Energy Recovery Speed by 14%, while the llusion increases the recipient's DMG Reduction by 14%. The terms of each contract remain undetected by enemies before the battle starts.

Phrase to warrants his receiving an extra 80 Energy. The Illusion grants the recipient a 180% shield for 6s. Increases the damage of the 3rd hit to 210% + 20%. Increases the damage of the 3rd hit to 280% + 20%. 2
普鲁斯托/设定角色技能 (编辑) 普鲁斯托 Futile Echo ultimate 1.25 2 Tiles 0

Passive: Phraesto sacrifices 12% of his max HP, summoning an identical Illusion during the preparation stage. This Illusion inherits 100% of Phraesto stats and can cast all his skills. When both Phraesto and his Illusion are positioned in the same row, they each receive a 30% damage reduction effect, lasting until one of them is defeated.

Increases the damage dealt to 240% + 20%. Increases the damage dealt to 280% + 20%. Increases the damage dealt to 320% + 20%. Increases the damage dealt to 360% + 20%. When both Phraesto and his Illusion are positioned in the same row, they each receive a shield equal to 570% of their ATK when a battle starts, lasting up to 12s. 1
普鲁斯托/设定角色技能 (编辑) 普鲁斯托 Hero Focus focusSkill

Phraesto increases the Phys & Magic DEF of both himself and his Illusion by 30%. Whenever one of them loses 10% of max HP, the other gains 15 Energy.

Phraesto increases the Phys & Magic DEF of both himself and his Illusion by 40%. Whenever one of them loses 10% of max HP, the other gains 20 Energy. Phraesto increases the Phys & Magic DEF of both himself and his Illusion by 50%. Whenever one of them loses 10% of max HP, the other gains 25 Energy. 4
普鲁斯托/设定角色技能 (编辑) 普鲁斯托 Vicious Sting skill2 11 1 Tile

Phrases to stings an enemy in front, dealing 50% damage and inflicting them with Paralyzing Venom for 6s. Enemies afflicted with Paralyzing Venom have their Haste reduced by 30 and Vitality reduced by 45. They also lose 2% + 20.4% of their max HP per second, while restoring 3% of the caster's max HP per second. Enemy HP loss can't exceed 40% of Phraesto ATK per second.

Increases the enemv's lost HP over second to 2.5% + 20.4% of their max HP. Increases the max HP ratio restored per second for Paralyzing Venom's caster to 4.5%. Increases the enemv's lost HP over second to 3.3% + 20.4% of their max HP. 3
