
更新日期: 2024-03-20  最新编辑:BackpackbattlesBot

Weapons are the main way to deal damage. Most of the weapons (except Staff of Unhealing) have this parameters: Damage, Stamina, Accuracy and Cooldown.

Weapons tries to activate every time period equals to cooldown. It activates only if player has enough stamina though. When weapon activates it tries to hit opponent using accuracy. If hit is successful it deals random damage between minimum damage and maximum damage of this weapon.

On hit effects trigger only if weapon successfully hits. On attack effects triggers only if weapon successfully activates.

There is no item type Weapon. Instead there are two types Melee Weapon and Ranged Weapon. The main difference between those two, that melee activates Vampirism and Spikes, while ranged don't. Also most of the Shields block only melee weapons, which is specified on its effect.

Name Effect Class Rarity Cost
