更新日期: 2024-07-25 最新编辑:Sageone
名称英文 | Walker | ||
品级 | ![]() | ||
职业 | ![]() | ||
联盟 | ![]() | ||
攻击类型 | 物理攻击 | ||
射程 | 2 | ||
短评 | 瓦尔克是一个专注于人群控制的伤害经销商。他的伤害一般,但他用出色的人群控制能力弥补了这一点。他的季节性技能对他也没有多大帮助,因为它需要一个辅助或杀戮来触发他的盾牌。不值得投资,但他仍然可以作为CC专家在紧要关头帮助雅顿或卡列琳娜提高伤害。 | ||
优点 | 比赛后期高度一致的中断。 | ||
缺点 | 由于射程低和生存能力低而爆炸。[SPLIT]造成中等伤害。 |
探索阶段 | 对抗 | ||||
传说阶段评分 | 神话阶段评分 | 巅峰阶层评分 | 迷梦整体评分 | PVP竞技场评分 | 沙盘演兵评分 |
C | C | C | B | B | C |
迷梦详细评分 | |||||
拟形雪怪评分 | 沼泽之主评分 | 堕神之颅评分 | 深渊蚀骨龙评分 | 孤瞳狼王评分 | 叶角熊王评分 |
B | B | B | B | B | B |
角色名称 | 技能名称 | 冷却 | 范围 | 初始能量 | 技能简介 | 技能排序 |
瓦尔克 | 六连开 | 0秒 | 10格 | 0 | 瓦尔克给他的手枪填装6发子弹,随机射向面前的敌人,优先射击本次施放中尚未射击过的敌人。每发子弹造成50%外加目标最大生命值5%的伤害(外加伤害不超过60%),并使目标眩晕1.5秒。对同一目标的后续命中造成50%的伤害。 2级:面前的敌人包含被技能”悬赏追击”悬赏的目标时,在射击过所有面前的敌人之后,剩余的子弹会全部射向被悬赏的敌人。 3级:伤害提升至55%。 4级:伤害提升至60%。 5级:眩晕时间提升至2秒。 |
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瓦尔克 | 散弹扫射 | 0秒 | 2格 | 瓦尔克的普通攻击发射3枚可以穿透敌人的子弹,对前方一定范围内的敌人造成伤害,并且主目标总是会受到3枚子弹的伤害,每枚子弹造成34%伤害。 2级:普通攻击暴击时,对伤害到的敌人造成0.125秒的眩晕。 3级:每枚子弹的伤害提升至37%。 4级:每枚子弹的伤害提升至40%。 |
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瓦尔克 | 悬赏追击 | 全场 | 战斗开始后第10秒,瓦尔克领取此时累计输出最高的敌人的悬赏令。领取悬赏令后,瓦尔克受到的伤害下降18%,优先攻击被悬赏的敌人,并且对其造成的伤害提升25%。被悬赏的敌人被击败时,瓦尔克直至战斗结束提升5点暴击,至多提升15点。 2级:瓦尔克领取悬赏令时,使用手枪对其连开3枪,每枪造成50%外加目标已损失生命值4%的伤害(外加伤害不超过25%)。 3级:被悬赏的敌人被击败后,瓦尔克可以再次领取悬赏令。 4级:瓦尔克领取悬赏令时、使用手枪对其连开3枪、每枪造成55%外加目标已损失生命值4%的伤害(外加伤害不超过25%)。 |
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瓦尔克 | 英雄专精 | 1格 | 战斗中,自身的暴击增幅提升30点。 2级:战斗中,自身的暴击增幅提升40点。 3级:战斗中,自身的暴击增幅提升50点。 |
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瓦尔克 | 空爆雷霆 | 全场 | 战斗开始时,瓦尔克朝3名敌人各丢出1枚榴弹,然后掏出手枪来引爆榴弹。榴弹被引爆时,使1格扇形区域内的敌人眩晕2秒、护甲在15秒内下降10%并受到140%伤害。多枚榴弹命中同一目标时,只生效1次。 2级:还能使敌人在15秒内下降10点抗暴击。 3级:伤害提升至150%。 4级:伤害提升至160%。 |
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瓦尔克 | 觉醒之力 | 0秒 | 瓦尔克对被悬赏的敌人首次造成伤害时,获得最大生命值20%的护盾,护盾持续至被悬赏的敌人被击败。 | 6 |
角色名称 | 技能名称 | 技能类型 | 冷却 | 范围 | 初始能量 | 技能简介 | 升级说明1 | 升级说明2 | 升级说明3 | 升级说明4 | 升级说明5 | 增强技能 | 技能排序 |
瓦尔克 | Six-Shot | ultimate | 0 | 10 tiles | 0 | Walker loads his revolver with 6 bullets, randomly shooting at enemies in front, prioritizing enemies not hit during this cast. Each bullet deals 50% damage plus 5% of the target's max HP (the bonus damage is up to 60% of his ATK), stunning the target for 1.5s. Subsequent hits on the same target deal 50% damage. | When the enemies in front include a target marked with Bounty Pursuit, the remaining bullets will be directed at the targeted enemy after shooting all others. | Increases damage to 55%. | Increases damage to 60%. | Increases stun duration to 2s | 1 | ||
瓦尔克 | Shotgun Blast | skill1 | 0 | 2 tiles | Walker shoots 3 penetrative bullets using normal attacks, dealing damage to enemies in the frontal area. His main target will always receive damage from 3 bullets, each with 34% damage. | Walker's normal attacks stun the enemies for 0.125s upon dealing critical hits. | Increases each bullet's damage dealt to 37% | Increases each bullet's damage dealt to 40%. | 2 | ||||
瓦尔克 | Bounty Pursuit | skill2 | Global | Walker claims the bounty on the enemy with the highest accumulated damage dealt 10s after a battle starts. Walker prioritizes attacking this enemy upon claiming the bounty, increasing his damage dealt by 25% and reducing his damage taken by 18%. Walker gains 5 Crit boost (up to 15) till the battle ends when the targeted enemy is defeated. | Upon claiming the bounty, Walker fires 3 shots at the enemy who is marked with it. Each shot deals 50% damage plus the damage equal to 4% of the target's lost HP (the bonus damage is up to 25% of his ATK). | Walker can claim the bounty again after the previous targeted enemy is defeated. | Upon claiming the bounty, Walker fires 3 shots at the enemy who is marked with it. Each shot deals 55% damage plus the damage equal to 4% of the target's lost HP (the bonus damage is up to 25% of his ATK) | Walker gains a shield equal to 20% of max HP when dealing damage to the targeted enemy for the first time. The shield lasts till the target is defeated. | 3 | ||||
瓦尔克 | Hero Focus | focusSkill | Increases Crit DMG Boost by 30 during battle. | Increases Crit DMG Boost by 40 during battle. | Increases Crit DMG Boost by 50 during battle. | 4 | |||||||
瓦尔克 | Aerial Thunder | ex | Global | Walker throws a grenade at each of the 3 enemies when a battle starts, then uses his revolver to detonate the grenade. The enemies within a 1-tile arc will be stunned for 2s, taking 140% damage and losing 10% Phys DEF in 15s upon grenades exploding. The above skill effect only takes effect once when multiple grenades hit the same target. | Reduces the enemies' Crit Resist by 10 in 15s. | Increases damage to 150%. | Increases damage to 160%. | 5 |