
更新日期: 2024-06-15  最新编辑:Kumo67

第18行: 第18行:
第四击失衡倍率95.7 %
第四击失衡倍率95.7 %
第五击失衡倍率72.9 %
第五击失衡倍率72.9 %
|能量回复=首击 能量回收 1
|能量回复=首击 1
第二击 能量回收 1
第二击 1
第三击 能量回收 1
第三击 1
第四击 能量回收 2
第四击 2
第五击 能量回收 67.5%
第五击 67.5%
|描述日服=(二测描述)Press Basic Attack to activate. Unleashes up to 5 slashes, dealing Physical DMG.
第38行: 第38行:
|伤害倍率=79.2 %
|失衡倍率=64.9 %
|描述日服=(二测描述)Hold down Basic Attack during the first three hits of Nekomatas Basic Attack to trigger this attack. Slashes enemies in front and passes through them, dealing Physical DMG.
|名称日服=Dodge: Cant Touch Me-ow~
|描述日服=Press Dodge to dodge. A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
|名称日服=Dash Attack: Over Here!
|描述日服=Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate. Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.
|名称日服=Dodge Counter: Phantom Claws
|描述日服=Press Basic Attack during a perfect dodge to activate. Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill
|名称日服=Special Attack: Surprise Attack
|描述日服=Press Special Attack to activate. Unleashes a downward strike, dealing Physical DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
|名称日服=EX Special Attack: Super Surpise Attack!
|描述日服=When Nekomata has enough Energy, Press Special Attack to activate. Unleashes a powerful falling slash that deals massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
|名称日服=Chain Attack: Claw Swipe
|描述日服=When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the Agent to activate. Unleashes a powerful upward slash at enemies in a large area, dealing massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
|名称日服=Ultimate: Claw Smash
|描述国服=当 Nekomata 的分贝等级为“最高”时,按最终的发动此攻击。对大范围内的敌人发动强力斩击,造成大量物理伤害。使用此技能时角色无敌。
|描述日服=When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate. Unleashes a powerful slash at enemies in a large area, dealing massive Physical DMG. Ignore 10% of the struck targets DMG RES. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
|名称日服=Core Passive: Stealthy Catwalk
|描述日服=When Nekomata's Dodge Counter hits an enemy, her damage dealt inceases by 30% for 6s
|名称日服=Additional Ability: Catwalk
(2测描述):当你的队伍中有至少 2 名物理特工
时:猫又使用 EX 特殊攻击命中敌人时,攻击伤害增加 22.5%。此效果最多可叠加 2 次,并在敌人受到攻击伤害时重置。
当你的队伍中有至少 2 名斩击特工时:
猫又的物理伤害增加 7.5%,攻击被击晕的敌人时额外增加 12.5%。
|描述日服=(2测描述):When there are at least 2 Physical Agents in your squad:
When Nekomata hits an enemy with an EX Special Attack, Assault damage is increased by 22.5%. This effect stacks up to 2 times and resets when the enemy takes Assault damage.
When there are least 2 Slash Agents in your squad:
Nekomata's Physical DMG is increased by 7.5%, and an extra 12.5% when attacking stunned enemies.
|名称日服=Reactive Assist: Cats Paw
|伤害倍率=97.3 %
|失衡倍率=97.3 %
|描述日服=When the character in combat is knocked back, press Assist to activate. Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill
|名称日服=Defensive Assist: Desperate Defense
|失衡倍率=光防御失衡倍率249.3 %
重度防御失衡倍率304.3 %
连锁防御失衡倍率128.3 %
|描述日服=When the character in combat is about to be attacked, press Assist to activate. Parries the enemy's attack, inflicting massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
|名称日服=Assist Follow-Up: Shadow Strike
|伤害倍率=336.9 %
|失衡倍率=270.4 %
|描述日服=Press Special Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate. Charge and slash enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

2024年5月24日 (五) 22:11的版本