更新日期: 2024-07-26 最新编辑:Sageone
技能图标 | ![]() |
技能名称 | 人为财死 |
范围 | 1格 |
冷却 | 0秒 |
初始能量 | 400 |
技能简介 | 移动至多1格,并在抵达目的地后持续抛酒金币,使周围2格范围内的其他友军回复共250点能量。 2级:恢复能量提升至260点。 3级:恢复能量提升至280点。 4级:恢复能量提升至300点。 5级:恢复能量提升至320点。 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能排序 | 1 |
技能图标 | ![]() |
技能名称 | 鸭尔兹 |
范围 | |
冷却 | 3.25秒 |
初始能量 | 全场 |
技能简介 | 使唤布拉达克一世攻击一名敌人,造成150%的伤害,并吸收目标70点能量。 2级:若”生命药剂”消耗完毕,本次”鸭尔兹”不再攻击敌人,而是会使唤布拉达克一世为推车补充1瓶”生命药剂”。每3次”鸭尔兹”中至多有一次触发本效果。 3级:伤害提升至190%。 4级:伤害提升至230%。 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能排序 | 3 |
技能图标 | ![]() |
技能名称 | 英雄专精 |
范围 | 1格 |
冷却 | |
初始能量 | |
技能简介 | 战斗中,自身提高7点急速。且当”鸭尔兹”首次补充”生命药剂”之前,额外提升6点急速。 2级:战斗中,自身提高10点急速。且当”鸭尔兹”首次补充”生命药剂”之前,额外提升8点急速。 3级:战斗中,自身提高12点急速。且当鸭尔兹首次补充生命药剂”之前,额外提升10点急速。 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能排序 | 4 |
技能图标 | ![]() |
技能名称 | 觉醒之力 |
范围 | |
冷却 | 0秒 |
初始能量 | |
技能简介 | 技能“妙手摊贩“在战斗开始时布置的”生命药剂”的数量提升1瓶。 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能排序 | 6 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能名称 | Fatal Greed |
技能类型 | ultimate |
冷却 | 0 |
范围 | 1 tile |
初始能量 | 400 |
技能简介 | Rowan moves up to 1 tile and throws coins upon reaching the destination, providing surrounding allies within 2 tiles with 250 Energy. |
升级说明1 | Increases Energy recovery to 260 points. |
升级说明2 | Increases Energy recovery to 280 points. |
升级说明3 | Increases Energy recovery to 300 points. |
升级说明4 | Increases Energy recovery to 320 points. |
升级说明5 | |
增强技能 | |
技能排序 | 1 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能名称 | Smart Stall |
技能类型 | skill1 |
冷却 | |
范围 | 1 tile |
初始能量 | |
技能简介 | Rowan places 2 health potions on his trolley when a battle starts. Allies within 2 tiles with HP ratio below 50% automatically uses a potion to heal for 40% of their max HP by up to 800% of Rowan's ATK. Each ally can use up to health potion every 6s. |
升级说明1 | Increases the recovery amount of health potion to 42% of allies' max HP. |
升级说明2 | Rowan also places an energy potion when a battle starts. He automatically uses the potion to recover 400 Energy when the Energy of an ally within 2 tiles exceeds 600. |
升级说明3 | Increases the recovery amount of health potion to 45% of allies' max HP. |
升级说明4 | |
升级说明5 | |
增强技能 | Rowan places 1 more health potions when a battle starts using Smart Stall. |
技能排序 | 2 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能名称 | Quack Waltz |
技能类型 | skill2 |
冷却 | 3.25 |
范围 | Global |
初始能量 | |
技能简介 | Rowan calls on Bradduck to attack an enemy, dealing 150% damage and absorbing 70 Energy. |
升级说明1 | If all health potions have been used up, this skill no longer attacks but instead replenishes the trolley with a health potion. This effect can be triggered once every 3 times of Quack Waltz. |
升级说明2 | Increases damage to 190%. |
升级说明3 | Increases damage to 230%. |
升级说明4 | |
升级说明5 | |
增强技能 | |
技能排序 | 3 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能名称 | Hero Focus |
技能类型 | focusSkill |
冷却 | |
范围 | |
初始能量 | |
技能简介 | Rowan increases his Haste by 7 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 6 until he replenishes a health potion using Quack Waltz. |
升级说明1 | Rowan increases his Haste by 10 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 8 until he replenishes a health potion using Quack Waltz. |
升级说明2 | Rowan increases his Haste by 12 during battle. His Haste is increased by an extra 10 until he replenishes a health potion using Quack Waltz. |
升级说明3 | |
升级说明4 | |
升级说明5 | |
增强技能 | |
技能排序 | 4 |
角色名称 | 罗万 |
技能名称 | Great Bargain |
技能类型 | ex |
冷却 | |
范围 | Global |
初始能量 | |
技能简介 | Once per battle, after selling 3 health potions, Rowan places a super health potion that restores 60% of an ally's max HP and permanently increases their Phys DEF and Magic DEF by 30%. |
升级说明1 | The health potion recovers 65% of the user's max HP, permanently increasing their Phys DEF and Magic LEFT by 35%. |
升级说明2 | For every 1 fights in a battle, when Bradduck replenishes the health potion, it turns into a super health potion. |
升级说明3 | The health potion recovers 70% of the user's max HP, permanently increasing their Phys DEF and Magic DEF by 40%. |
升级说明4 | |
升级说明5 | |
增强技能 | |
技能排序 | 5 |